Monday, June 20, 2011

"We Just Now Got The Feeling...

..that we're meeting for the first time.."

I wonder how many people go through their lives in a stale and horrid relationship, never thinking that they can or should get out of it and find someone who brings out everything beautiful and bright in them. It's hard to sit and think there is someone out there so numb and jaded to the world, from staying in a bad relationship, that feels like nothing is worth it anymore. That there is no one out there who can make him or her feel alive and
yes, put the rose colored glasses back on.

"And we don't know how we got into this mad situation, only doing things out of frustration, trying to make it work but man these times are hard..."

My relationship is by no means new, but I think we handle stale moments pretty well. Those moments do make me think, regardless, that maybe one day we won't handle these moments so well. That we will forget why we are in love with each other and what has kept us together this long, it's scary to think that that time may come.

"She needs me now but I can't seem to find the time..."

Another thing that I wonder about is why is it so scary to be alone? I know that there is an underlying instinctual reason for being with the opposite sex, of course, but why does it become so complicated? Why can't we look at that one person that makes our heart beat so fast, and our bodies tingle, that instant connection..and keep it? Now I'm not saying that there isn't some lucky couple out there who is still madly in love since day one, but from experiences and being on the outside looking in, it doesn't seem like that happens very often now days. I know that our generation is royally fucked, and that we are ruining what marriage is all about. Hell, I was one of them! I thought that the dynamic would stay the same, boyfriend and girlfriend, but we would have different titles and it has taken me at least two years to figure out that it is not at all that simple. But all this cheating and lack of loyalty is crazy today! We have absolutely no respect for one another, for the most part, and we sure as hell don't respect what marriage is or what it is about. An ex-friend of mine was trying to be with my husband and she knew we were married! It's not just her fault, he is just as guilty, but I mean come on! There are so many single guys out there and you knew my husband for 2 weeks and decided that destroying a marriage was all worth it, that you knew him well enough to ruin other peoples lives. It just makes me sick! So back to my original subject, why do people stay in rough relationships when they can find, cliche I know, their "soul mate".

"We are smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years...."

During the rough times in my marriage, times I maybe should've left and never looked back, I saw the potential in him. I saw what we had and thought that we could have that again and this time it worked, but next time maybe it wont. I understand why we stay...I just wish it didn't have to be that way.

"We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time. Oh these times are hard, yeah they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby..."

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