Friday, June 17, 2011

C'est la vie...

I decided to take down my last post describing what was running through my mind when writing "An Odd Feeling.." because I think it is unfair of me to just put all of my relationships dirty laundry for everyone to see and judge. It was an immature action on my part that I don't necessarily regret, but understand that it's unfair to the main character. I'm sure there will be many more word heavy, emo-filled, and dirty little secret filled posts to come, but for now I think I need to ease up on the information. Basically I have been betrayed NUMEROUS times by someone I never would've expected it from, shockingly so since it was done over and over again. I thought I was done being naive, but again I was a fool and paid the consequences for it. The past is the past though and if I can't learn from it and get over it then I might as well consider myself some non-human sub-species, I guess :P Hopefully one day I can be confident enough in myself to not let the things other people do affect me so deeply, I guess I just see too much good in people or assume that I wouldn't befriend or love someone who would treat me badly...But oh well, C'est la vie, hmm?

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