Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Good Old Days!

another drawing from Yoshitaka Amano, Not mine..

Yesterday my husband, daughter, and myself went to a cookout with some friends. It was so much fun and it felt great to actually get out of the house and do something fun together. There was good food, great company, and definitely a lot of drink ha ha. My daughter was a little fussy and ended up napping so I laid her down on the couch and tucked a thick blanket under her side, so she wouldn't roll off, and joined everyone outside. Being outside and laughing and having a beer made me remember the days before I was a mommy. I love, love, LOVE being a mother and would never trade it for anything in the world, but there are days that I miss just being able to get up and go. I miss being able to drink and be loud with friends and not have a care in the world, but those days are over for the time being. One day, when my baby is much older, I will have more freedom but until then I am content with being her mommy and her being my baby girl :D I wonder how many other mothers, young and old, feel the same way? Having another body attached to you at all times not only makes you incredibly hot, but also makes it hard to get around lol. But I love it, and in the morning after being without my little girl all night all I can think about when I wake up is putting my arms around her and kissing her relentlessly. Ah, my sweet baby.. <3

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