Friday, June 17, 2011

My Sweet Baby...To All The Mothers Out There :

I look at my little girl and wonder how I got so lucky, how I came to be so blessed. She is so happy and smart...ugh, she's just amazing. She's 7 months old today and it blows my ,imd because it feels like we just came home from the hospital! It's unreal to me to think that my little baby will one day be a big girl, teenager, and woman. How do you other mothers deal with these feelings? How do you wake up everyday and know that one day this sweet bundle of warmth and unconditional love will one day want nothing to do with you, well up unitll they come to their senses...I think we have all been there haha. I just want to keep her this age for a little longer, not forever, untill I have had my fill lol. I hope I'm not alone in these feelings, i feel a little creepy smothering motherish...meh...

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